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April 2005

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04/22/2005: "Donde esta Wowgirl?"

Where, indeed.

If I have never told you before, I hate computers. I work in computers. Therefore I hate them.

Computers do exactly what you tell them to do. Problem being, I work in internet development, which for the most part means I have to make my programs and web pages and things work in Internet Explorer, since something like 89% of all people browsing use Internet Explorer. So I don't have direct control over what the computer does. Point of fact, I'm several layers of abstraction away from telling the comptuer what to do. My immediate layer of abstraction is IE (mostly). So the people who write IE have to tell the computer (or at least their layer of abstration) what to do properly, in order for my code to work.

And the people who wrote IE are some of the biggest fucking morons on the planet.

So my job is made markedly more difficult by them. As an aside, Mozilla Firefox rarely gives me any headaches. It renders most things correctly, and when it doesn't do it right, it's usually because the person who wrote the web page had to write it incorrectly to make it work with IE. If you don't already use it, get it now. Unless you like security holes big enough to sail yachts through on your computer. Or you prefer shit that doesn't work. Seriously, just click the link. Get it now. Seriously.

So, you are asking yourself, what does the Elf's rant on the evils of IE (Note: not hyperbole) have to do with wowgirl?

What, indeed.

Because I have to deal with computer problems all freakin' day long, the last thing on earth I want to do when I get home is deal with comptuer problems. I don't mind working on computers when I get home, because I love the creation process that involves computers. I just hate it when they break. So it takes a little while for me to get up the energy to fix things when it happens.

Which is what happened. As mentioned earlier, I upgraded Quicktime and Premiere broke. For a while, I thought I was going to have to do a complete Windows reinstall. Fortunately, I have managed to fix it so that that isn't necessary. Took a couple of uninstalls and reinstalls to sort it out. No, I don't know why it happened, but since the nature of a computer tech is in the same vein as a voodoo priest, I'm not too concerned. It's working now.

I pulled all the video for the last scene last night. I have to pull audio, sync, and cut tonight. Tomorrow, I'm going to recut the entire film together, and my wife and I are going to sit down and go through the whole thing to figure out temp music. The kind that we could never actually afford to use in distribution. But it should be fun for the rought cut.

Then I've got figure out Quicktime streaming. I've set up a test - could you nice people try this and let me know how it works for you?

Streaming Test

There's still the matter of uploading the master file - my upload stream is capped and it'll probably take the better part of 24 hours to get the huge file up. But we'll cross the bridge when we get to it. Which hopefully will be Sunday. I'm on it, I swear. It's coming very, very soon.