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April 2005

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04/07/2005: "I Hate Computers"

So last night, I'm in the basement, working dilegently to bring you people the fantastic sneak preview of wowgirl. I was trying to convert the 48 hour film project short that we made last year, A Hero in Bloom: The Story of Captain Carnation to streaming Quicktime, as a test.

In order to stream Quicktime, I have to purchase Quicktime Pro. It's only $30, but it does mark the first time I have EVER given Apple Computer any of my money. I feel dirty, but I move forward. In order to purchase Quicktime Pro, I have to download the newest version of Quicktime (6.5.2). I discover that the only way to get Quicktime nowadays is to install the iTunes store. You have to install freakin' iTunes to get the Quicktime Player.

Under normal circumstances, I would be throwing bricks through the window of the nearest Apple Store. However, due to a conversation I had the other day with that guy who used to be called Raul, I actually sorted of wanted a copy of iTunes and Quicktime Pro on my machine for some research. My whole worldview is upside down right now.

Anyway, so I go back to Premiere, having installed the new Quicktime. And now, Premiere refused to export movies. It prefers, instead, to generate errors and force Windows to close it.

I am attempting to solve this problem, but it may delay wowgirl. I sincerely apologize, and I will do my best to get it up on time anyway. In the meantime, please note the excellent example of karma. Do something evil, like give Apple Computer Company money, and your computer will stop working. Good life lessons.

Now, where did I put my Zen Micro?

Replies: 3 Comments

on Thursday, April 28th, Vampire Elf said

Danke Schon, Voice.

on Wednesday, April 27th, the Voice of Reason said

just in case you ever need it again!

google is your friend

on Tuesday, April 26th, beaumontkitty said

...As if you NEEDED an Apple product to shut down Windows!