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May 2005

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05/23/2005: "The Bottom of the Slippery Slope"

I have been so wrong. So I'm changing my tune. From now on, I love Government. Government is the best. So many responsible people spending my tax money so wisely. I don't know how I ever could have doubted Government. Go Government!!!

Major cool government action right here.

On a more serious note, there's a real point to be made here.

Most of my my liberal/Democrat/left-leaning/whatever friends would probably look at this article and say that this is just an extreme example. Which it is. But, arguably, most of them would also look at the Iraqi conflict as another extreme example (granted, on a larger scale). How dare the government spend my tax dollars to support this "illegal, unethical" war? Right? But they would have no qualms about letting them spend their tax dollars (and mine) on things they do find ethical, like Social Security or perhaps Universal Heath Care (which I will, quite correctly, refer to as Socialized Heath Care). The only difference is in what the individual thinks is an acceptable reason for taking money from one person to give to another. And you can argue as much as you want that your reasons are much more ethical then someone else's reasons. But you are still taking money from others without their permission to accomplish your goals. There's only one word for that.

The story of Robin Hood has been commonly distilled down to the phrase "He robbed from the rich to give to the poor." Probably by Disney. But if you actually pay attention the story, what he really did was give back money to people that was taken by over-taxation from a corrupt government. I love Robin Hood.

At lunch, I'll leave the politics and move into lighter territory, as I talk about Sith. Has everyone seen it? I'll put spoilers in the read more section, just in case.

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