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July 2004

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07/15/2004: "Nose Hair Growth Spurts" mood: Snarky

Okay, here's one for the peanut gallery: Have you ever had a nose hair just seem to appear out of nowhere? Like, it wasn't there in the morning when you got ready for work, and then three hours later it's grown like 4mm and is prodding the area under your nose. How did it grow so fast? Was it already grown, but curled up in the nostril, just waiting to unfurl itself at the right moment? Is there some sort of nose hair fertilizer I might have accidentally ingested? Chocolate doughnut holes, for example? Any insight? Camel, you're like 86.2% hair, you got anything?

And stop looking at me like that. You've got nose hair too. Unless you had your nose hair surgically removed by lasers. Which is gonna suck next winter, when you get about a billion more colds then everyone else.