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January 2005

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01/10/2005: "Ch-Ch-Changes"

Alright - cruising on into a code-filled, reoprt writing afternoon. I've been up since 5:40. What I wouldn't give for a culture that incorporated the siesta concept right now.

Happy New Year, by the way. Between the holiday season and my mad dash to complete the second phase of my contract job, I haven't had much time to write recently. Hopefully that will change soon. In the next week, I am going to attempt to accomplish the following things:

  • Put something on the front page. Hopefully I can incorporate the most recent two blog entries, but at least I plan on having something there - including top entries (titles only) from some blogs that I read regularly. I don't know if it'll work with the blogger people - blogger uses Atom 1.0 for their feeds, which is a little different then RSS. But certainly Slashdot and Whedonesque and maybe a few others.

  • Hawaii Day 2. It's coming. With pictures. Really. I am starting to worry that I'm going to forget things that happened. I'll have to compare notes with Mrs. Elf.

  • Whackademia - The Research Blog. Once upon a time, I had this idea for a website that would chronicle all of the BS that runs rampant at higher education institutions. Great idea, needed way more time then I had to develop it. But I love the concept, and I kept the domain name, because I love it too. Cut to last week, when Warren Ellis killed off his research blog because he wanted to try something different with his web presence. It got me thinking. I think I'm going to turn whackademia into my own form of research blog, which means that it'll really be a lot like a more focused, yet eclectic version of Fark. Without other user submissions of course, and I'll be leaving off the dirty pictures as well. It's not up yet (I'll announce it when it happens) and you are under no obligation to read it, especially since it is more for my own use anyway, but there will probably be some pretty interesting links.

Oh, and for the record, the Keane CD really does rock. Believe the hype. It's my new listen-to-while-programming CD of the moment.

Replies: 3 Comments

on Wednesday, January 12th, juls said

Just go into the blogger menu and change the settings for site feed from Atom to RSS. Easy as that!

Here's a possible topic for Whackademia. Some profs have too much time on their hands.

on Tuesday, January 11th, Vampire Elf said

Oh, look who gets the gold star!! Go Juls! Sarahkah and Raul, I belive it's time to step up to the plate and make the switch. Perhaps Juls can explain how to do that, since I have no idea about how to use blogger.

I'm going to see if I can't get a quickie version fo Whackademia up today, mostly because I found a great first entry. I should explain a little more about the concept: the type of stuff going on Whackademia will be the little pieces of information that start the writing process - the sparks that end up as full-blow works (hopefully). Anything strange and unusual is exceptable, and everyoen is welcome to send me links and I'll put them up. I'm going throw a lot of my own up there. The main idea is, where can I go to read up on something I need for a story plot that I read about six months ago.

This will mostly concern science news and human psychology, but also anything else I find appropriately interesting.

on Tuesday, January 11th, juls said

Blogger users can choose to use RSS instead of Atom, which I've done. Here's my feed link:

BTW, if you need help with Whackademia, I'd be happy to contribute. Maybe The Greatness too?(Since we're both involved with research type work.)