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December 2004

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12/21/2004: "But on some days..."

Sorry for my extended absence. First, I was gone for a work retreat to a reasonably nice hotel that has little-to-no understanding of this whole "Internet" thing. Then, Wood Nymph (or Mrs. Elf, as she happily pointed out) and I jumped into the process of refinancing our rental property, which necessitated some grunt work to fix a few things before the appraisal.

Most days, I am a rather large dork who sits in front of a computer trying to figure out why X doesn't equal what X is supposed to equal. But on some days - on some days, I am a MAN.

On Thursday, I rebuilt the roof to one of the work sheds from scratch. Went to Lowe's, bought the plywood, felt, and shingles. Back to the house, then cut the boards, placed them, laid the felt and nailed down the shingles. I was going to do the flashing too, until I discovered that I didn't really need to. The reason why I mention this is because I've never done it before. A thirty minute roofing lesson from a coworker and a book from Lowe's and I did the job, almost entirely by myself. Took 9 hours in fairly cold weather. And it was awesome.

This weekend we did some Christmas shopping, got the new oven in place, decided what to do about our kitchen (to design away the hideousness that it is now), and I caught the first six episodes of Roswell Season One. Good plotting, with somewhat lame adolescent conversation - like Buffy with bad talking.