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November 2004

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11/05/2004: "One World"

In the next few days, I'm going to write two major blog entries. The first one will be my reaction to some of the activity on Raul Groom's blog that occurred on the day after the election, as well as more general take on both the legitimate and illegitimate views of my Kerry supporting friends on several blogs that I read, in the wake of a rather suprising election.

The second will be my charge for President Bush in his second term. There will be demands for this President to stop saying he is a conservative and start acting like it. There will expectations laid out for true tax reform, not this "simplicity" crap he's been talking about. There will be strong words about the direction he has moved the Republican Party. If you're really lucky, there will be cheese analogies.

I was going to write the first of these entries today. Something much more important has come up.

Elizabeth Edwards learned on Wednesday that she has breast cancer.

I'm not a fan of John Edwards. I don't like his divisive "Two Americas" class warfare propaganda. I don't like his take on law and our legal system. I don't find him attractive (which puts me at odds with my wife).

But I'm praying real hard for his family right now. Politics are what they are, and most people have good reasons or intentions for believing what they do, right or wrong. I can vehemenently disagree with John Edwards over any number of issues, and we both believe we want the best thing for our country. But today, I stand with him, one American to another. No. One human being to another. I'm praying for his family as hard as I'm praying for my own.

My mother has had three occurrences of breast cancer in the last 11 years. The most current battle she's fighting is the most difficult, as she has not responded as well to the newer drugs. And the old ones stopped working. She started a new drug yesterday, and while it's more powerful, it also has side effects that threaten to change her lifestyle, maybe even dramatically.

I'm a libertarian. You won't see me asking you to petition your congressional representative for more money to fight breast cancer. I'm not going to ask you to give your own money to a private breast cancer charity. I'm not really going to ask much of anything.

Just that you think about Mrs. Edwards today. If you are the praying kind, offer up a prayer for her and the Edwards family. And maybe a small one for my mom.

Diseases like cancer have no political, racial, national, or spiritual barriers. While there is plenty of room for disagreement on how we fight the scientific battle against them (and how we pay for it), the emotional battle leaves no room for division, animosity, or partisanship. In that regard, we are truly One America. No. One World.