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Wednesday, December 21st

Serenity on DVD

I know, I've been slack on the blogging. I've been putting in more time at Adam's Blog than I have here recently. Hopefully, I'll be able to sit down and do a full update on where things are very soon. I should have some time over the Holidays, and my parents finally broke down and ponied up for DSL, so I'll be able to use them there internets when I'm home.

However, as a reminder/notice to everyone, Serenity hit DVD yesterday. Netflix it, rent it, buy it, whatever. It's my favorite film of the year, and it's really quite good. If you like it, maybe you can check out the Firefly DVDs. If not, you may curse my name as much as you wish.
Vampire Elf on 12.21.05 @ 09:10 AM EST [link] [330 Comments]