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November 2005

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Monday, November 28th

Rent 2005

I know what I'm about to say will probably shock some people. But I feel compelled to say it anyway.

"Rent" (the movie version) is a better musical than "Once More With Feeling," the Buffy musical.

Barely. I know, I know. Heresy, but still. The movie is like a lean, mean, fighting version of the broadway musical. Most of the Stupid Musical Transitions(tm) have been removed, leaving just the pure raw, power of the songs and the story. The actual plot is a lot more clear and accessible (though they made decent-sized changes to the second act). Having never seen Rent with the original cast, I can't say how well the two new folks compare to the original actors, but everyone in this version was fantastic.

And the soundtrack fixes almost every single problem I had with the original broadway soundtrack. The guy who produced "American Idiot" for Green Day really threw down and got an incredible rock feel from these songs. It's how it was meant to be, and judging by comments from the cast, they feel the same way. On the other hand, Mrs. Elf prefers the broadway version, so what the hell do I know?

If you've never seen it before, it's a wonderful and uplifting and heartbreaking story with some amazing music. And of course, the story behind the story is equally heartbreaking and compelling. (click on About the Show, then History of Rent)

Anyway, you should go see it. And then Netflix Buffy Season 6, Disc 2 and watch the Buffy musical (episode 6). Which is really freakin' great as well, but requires a little more knowledge of the backstory to have the same effect as rent does in its self-contained package.
Vampire Elf on 11.28.05 @ 11:56 AM EST [link] [273 Comments]

Tuesday, November 22nd

Food Poisoning

Never had it before. Got it this weekend. Can't say that I recommend it.

I went with two other office workers on Friday to this Mexican joint we frequent. We liked it because it's authentic Mexican, only one staff member even speaks English. Different Mexican. Different is not better.

To various degrees, all three of us got sick over the weekend. And because the little dancing baby of fate prefers to mock me, I got it the worst. I really thought for a little while on Sunday I was going to be headed to the hospital to get an IV in my arm. You know something is seriously wrong when your body is rejecting water as sustenance.

I also did not know that dehydration makes you really sore. That sucked, because I couldn't even enjoy my bedrest. I still haven't slept more than 4 hours at a time since Saturday.

Moral of the Story: Never trust a place that doesn't put cheese on their tacos.
Vampire Elf on 11.22.05 @ 11:40 AM EST [link] [136 Comments]

Monday, November 14th

Disappearance: An update

Once again, I find myself in a long time, no write situation. It's interesting, because at least twice, I've sat down to write an entry and didn't finish it. I had the time, but for various reasons I never finished. Eh, weird me. Anyway, I'm going to do a quick rundown of the things I've been working on/thinking about since the 48 Hour film. This is more for me than you, I suspect. I'm trying to write out my list of things to accomplish, so I'll know where I'm at/where I'm headed.
Vampire Elf on 11.14.05 @ 01:17 PM EST [more..] [68 Comments]