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October 2005

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Tuesday, October 25th

Nobody's Hero

Slightly different audience here than the people who got the email, so I'll post it.

Sometime around 3:30am on Sunday night, I finished up on Rational Spirit's latest "made fast, in a weekend, for a competition" film. Can't really call it a 48 hour movie, because in this case, it was more like 56 and a half hour movie. Still.

Film's called "Nobody's Hero." Yes, that is the name of Rush song. Blame Brad, he put it out there, and it fit, so I ran with it.

It's a moody little flick, y'all. A little bit violent, a little bit comicy. Hey, we got Superhero as our genre, and we had fun with silly effects. The interal logic didn't quite work in places, and we had to cut almost 4 minutes out of it to meet the rule requirement of an 8 minute run time. But it has a lot of fun moments, and some funny moments. The prop was a funnel, and we used it well. Line of dialogue was "Wow, can I touch it?" and our character was T.J. Heinshwartz, Rock Star.

If you want to check it out, pop this link into Windows Media:

And let's not forget Funnel-Cam. All I'm saying. Funnel-Cam.
Vampire Elf on 10.25.05 @ 02:56 PM EST [link] [22 Comments]

Thursday, October 20th

The Day the Pen Died

The Greatness' pen died. I have given the Eulogy for the pen. It was my first time eulogizing a pen. I think I made a valiant effort.

Go pay your respects.
Vampire Elf on 10.20.05 @ 01:05 PM EST [link]

Wednesday, October 5th


Hopefully by now, all of you realize that DVDs are like crack to me. I lurve them. In particular, I lurve TV DVD Boxsets. New shows, old shows, it doesn't matter. Nice season long packages of serialized entertainment - that's what I'm talking about.

But they tend to be expensive. You know, $40-50 a season. And I'm not even going to discuss those bastards at HBO.

Target is having a crazy mad sale on television DVD sets from Warner Brothers. Not all, but many of the early seasons of various shows are on sale for $18.88 a piece. Add to that this delightful rebate (located here - pdf link), and you can get the DVD sets for slightly under $12 a piece. Lots of TV DVD goodness.

I picked up Gilmore Girls (Seasons 1 & 2), Smallville (Seasons 1 & 2), Lois & Clark (Season 1), and Nip/Tuck (Season 1). For about $70 total (after rebate). Mrs. Elf and I watched the first couple of Gilmore Girls episodes last night (fantastic pilot by the way, really top notch).

Other stuff is available too, like Gilligan's Island, West Wing (Seasons 1 & 2, which I already have), Dukes of Hazzard, Everybody Loves Raymond, ER, One Tree Hill, Without a Trace. There's a lot on sale. It's really quite an amazing deal. Even if you're not a DVD junkie, odds are good someone in your family is, and thems is cheap Christmas presents.
Vampire Elf on 10.05.05 @ 04:59 PM EST [link]