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March 2006

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Tuesday, March 28th

I know, I know

Yes, it's been forever since I last posted. But hey, at least I'm like a month up on The Ape Man.

Long story short, a shitload of stuff is going. I'm going to switch blogging software. I love GreyMatter, but it isn't being actively developed and I want to move to a more modern, tag based setup that will enable me to make this blog a little more relevant than just the ramblings of an almost 30-year-old Elf.

Video stuff is going crazy, and a potential new contract job is also on the horizon.

And I'll be ditching the Vampire Elf moniker for my real name. It's time.

Real quick, if anyone's still reading: 48 Hour Film Fest 2006 is May 19-21 and we're already entered. So we are doing it again. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. Email me if you need more info.

More Soon.
Vampire Elf on 03.28.06 @ 10:31 AM EST [link] [3 Comments]